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Toothbrush Confidential asks: Is Kissing Good for your Health?

Isn’t it terribly delicious when you find out something you consider hedonistic is actually healthy? Kind of reframes your wellness journey into something almost delightful – doesn’t it? Could kissing be one of these hedonistic/healthy pursuits? Toothbrush Confidential investigated and delivers the skinny on the health benefits of kissing.

Besides improving your mood, kissing causes your mouth to produce more saliva. Which doesn’t sound extremely helpful but in the case of your dental health – it is!

Saliva besides helping to breakdown your food, it also regulates the PH balance in your mouth and acts as a buffer between your teeth and plaque. Early lesions in tooth enamel can be “re-mineralize” by the mineral ions in saliva. It doesn’t replace brushing or flossing, a clean mouth can’t hurt your confidence, but saliva does help to fight the bacteria which causes cavities, viruses and fungi. Since 20% of the bacteria in your mouth is unique to you, exchanging saliva while kissing stimulates your immune system.

Dry mouth is terrible for your dental health yet it can be a direct result from medications like antihistamines, decongestants and pain killers. Although talking to your doctor about changing your prescription is a good idea, it’s also a good excuse for some saliva inducing kissing!

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