Child Sedation
What do you do when you have a child with Dental Fear?
Many children today, due to normal anxiety and fear, need a special procedure that will safeguard their welfare. This includes minimizing physical discomfort, controlling anxiety and fear, minimizing psychological trauma, maximizing the potential for amnesia, controlling behavior and movement, and allowing for satisfactory completion of dental procedures. This procedure is called oral conscious sedation.
To enable the dentist to treat apprehensive children it is often necessary to administer oral sedative medications prior to performing dental procedures. These sedative drugs minimally depress the level of the child’s consciousness but allow the child to independently and continuously maintain their breathing and circulation.
Your child will also respond to verbal commands and physical stimulation. Sometimes crying may be a child’s best way of communicating. It is actually a great safety indicator that they are doing just fine. One of the best features of the sedative medications used is that they have an amnesic effect. In other words, your child will often recall little of what happened or simply not remember anything at all about their appointment by the next day.
Oral conscious sedation is used in conjunction with nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia and local anesthesia. The child is monitored continually during the sedation procedure and is protected by physical immobilization to assure the greatest margin of safety and comfort and the highest quality of dental treatment.
Please don’t hesitate to call our office with any questions.
Thank you for choosing our office to provide oral conscious sedation for your child and be reassured that we will provide them with the care that you would want for them.
Book your consult today at specific Willow Dental Care Clinics (see locations).