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Morning Breath: Embarrassing? Or a Health Concern?


Everyone awakes with some level of morning breath. For most people a good brush and floss after breakfast will take care of the smell and they can get on with their day. But if morning breath persists, you might want to investigate. The culprits of bad morning breath are diet, oral hygiene habits or sometimes it can be a sign of imbalance in the body.

Why do we wake up with morning breath? Our Hygienist Elena wants to tell you that the biggest culprit is bacteria on the tongue.  If you consistently wake up with a coated white tongue, go and get a tongue scrapper from a drug store.  This inexpensive and easy tool can resolve bad breath. Dry mouth is also a common cause.  Saliva is the mouth’s cleansing agent.  Since saliva production decreases while you sleep, whatever bacteria left in your mouth is left unchecked.  As we have mentioned in other blogs, bacteria will doubt over 24 hours.   A by product of bacteria is a sulphur gas build up, ergo  morning breath. This should motivate you to do a really good job brushing and flossing before bed.However what if your morning breath is particularly toxic or sticks around throughout the day?   You might have gum disease, tooth decay or other health concerns. Elena also tells us that gum disease makes the gums recede away from the teeth and these bigger pockets around the teeth traps plaque or bacteria  and again produces the bad breathe syndrome.  Smell your dental floss after not flossing for a few days!!

How to Win the War Against Morning Breath
1) Always brush and floss well before bed or simply as often as possible to move the bacteria out.
2) Drink a glass of water before going to bed and upon waking up. Water helps wake up your organs and digestive system, so it’s a healthy idea all round.
3)  Buy a tongue scrapper
Your oral health is important to us!  Book an appointment with us as soon as possible.
It makes us proud to be apart of your wellness journey. If you have any other dental health questions, let us know in the comments below!
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