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Making this Year Your Best Year Yet! Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

New Years Resolutions. A horror or an opportunity? Either way this is the article for you! We’ve created a list of positive easy changes you can make that will revolutionize your oral health and probably your overall health as well.

Stay Hydrated
Drinking enough water, and a concerted effort to not drink dehydrating liquids like coffee, alcohol, or pop is key to optimum health. Water or herbal teas are considered the cleansing liquids. Water also aids in keeping your mouth chock full of healthy liquid to rinse out bacteria. See how that works? All your cells and organs work better, you may even shed weight easier and your teeth & gums will having a fighting chance to stay healthy.

Fruits & Veggies a Plenty
This isn’t news. Stacking your diet high in fruits and veggies is a standard health practice. But did you know that fruits and veggies are chalk full of water (aid that hydration!) fiber and antioxidants. The fiber in raw fruits and veggies like celery, apples and carrots help to clean your teeth of sticky plaque as you bite into them. Antioxidants help power your body to fight bacteria, bacteria that multiplies on your teeth and creates plaque and gingivitis. Check out new year sales for that popular Nutri Bullet which allows you to drink your fruits and veggies.

It’s Time to Butt Out
We spoke about this last month in our Your Health is Going Up in Smoke post. No one is shocked at the idea that smoking is hard on your health. But did you know how it helps to cut off blood supply to your gums? Therefore the proliferation of gum disease is more likely. We know it’s not an easy task to quit smoking. But if the idea of losing your teeth inspires this action, we and our hygienists are happy to support you!

Keep Your Daily Oral Health Ritual
Recently a friend mentioned he often falls asleep without brushing or flossing. This came up because his last visit to the dentist showed his lack of oral hygiene. We understand you’re busy. We understand your life is sometimes very overwhelming but brush at least twice a day. Floss at least once a day and see your dentist twice a year for a check up and cleaning. Your mouth and future self will thank you. Develop a habit of brushing your teeth when you get into pyjamas or your fun clothes for the evening.

Beauty is Important. But It’s Your Health We Care About
You may feel alright about walking around with crooked or overlapping teeth; or a missing crown or broken teeth. However this type of dental problem makes it harder to clean and therefore may lead to gum disease or cavities. Getting these fixed may do wonders for your confidence and over all health. The true gold of cosmetic dentistry is the long lasting health benefits.

However you approach the new year and it’s resolutions, may you be healthier and happier than the previous year.

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